Hi, I'm Lucy
I help people to finally break the cycle of IBS symptoms, constipation, bloating and body blaming and help them to finally heal the blocks that have been stopping them from getting the results they want.
I've made it my mission to break down the misconceptions about IBS, gut symptoms and diets and help people find freedom from their symptoms and feel empowered by understanding the language of their gut.
By combining colon hydrotherapy and natural gut nurturing practices to clear the physical blocks with transformational coaching to help you clear the limiting beliefs stopping your efforts from working and finally let go of the burden of trying to think your way to feeling better by letting your gut lead you on your path to wellness.
Have you been stuck in a cycle of blaming your gut for not working 'properly' and feeling frustrated that the latest diet you tried worked for a while only for your symptoms to return for no apparent reason?
Do you feel like your gut isn't responding to your efforts to eat well and live a healthy lifestyle and it just doesn't make sense?
Are you embarrassed to talk about your bathroom problems and feel like you must be the only one who feels this way?
If you answered yes then I want you to know you are NORMAL!
Those issues you've never told anyone about, I hear those words from my clients daily!
I know how demoralising it can feel when yet again you are feeling uncomfortable and bloated when you have been trying so hard to eat well. I know how you feel, I've been there myself and totally understand how hard it can be to ask for help in the toilet department. I promise you it's totally worth it.
We all deserve to understand how to help our bodies to do what nature intended and spoiler alert ... it doesn't involve restrictive diets or expensive blood tests!​​

When Nature Doesn't Call ​​​​
Break the cycle of gut blaming and frustration and transform the whispers of your gut into wisdom
Break down the limiting beliefs and release the emotional and spiritual blocks that have been stopping your healthy living efforts from working!​
Learn how to let your gut guide your diet choices so you can finally let go of restrictive eating and find peace in your relationship with food.
Understand how to recognise our symptoms as wise messengers guiding us to a more authentic life.
Here's What Our Clients Say About Us....